General Litigation

– General Litigation 

At Stiles Byrum & Horne, our seasoned team of litigators handles litigation cases of all types, from simple to extremely complex, in both state and federal courts. When confronted with litigation that threatens your company, your clients, or you personally, the attorneys at Stiles Byrum & Horne will work with you to determine the best way to respond and to chart a path forward. Our goal, as always, is to find a solution that best fits your needs and your budget. Our attorneys then take on the burden of fighting for you or your company, allowing you to focus on more important things.

The experience that our attorneys bring to each case is invaluable in determining the optimum outcome for each client. Recognizing that no two clients are the same, we can advise you based on our years of experience. We will seek to settle cases that should be settled, but if your case cannot be resolved through negotiation, you can feel comfortable knowing that the attorneys at Stiles Byrum & Horne are never afraid to take your case to the jury. Many attorneys these days view going to trial as something to be avoided at all costs. Not here! At Stiles Byrum & Horne, our attorneys have considerable experience trying cases in front of judges, juries and arbitrators, and are always prepared to do so if it’s in your best interest.

For all your litigation needs, look no further than Stiles Byrum & Horne.

Let’s Chat

To find out what the attorneys of Stiles Byrum & Horne, LLP can do for you, contact us today.


(704) 332-2830


325 Arlington Avenue
Suite 650
Charlotte, NC 28203